Michael A. Calvo, The Middle East and World War III: Why No Peace?CreateSpace/Amazon, 2017, 541 pp. Michael A. Calvo, doctor of law of international organizations and international economic relations, is a member of the Israeli Bar, an honorary member of the Paris Bar, and a former member of the ICC International Court of Arbitration. He is […]
Le conflit du Proche-Orient et la guerre mondiale menée par l’Islam- Guy Millière- Dreuze.Info
Michael Calvo, docteur en droit et avocat israélien, a publié voici quelques mois un livre majeur dont j’aurais du traiter depuis longtemps. Je le fais enfin. Ce n’est pas un livre sur la guerre islamique menée contre Israël. C’est bien davantage : c’est le livre majeur sur le sujet. En pas moins de 540 pages, […]
The book analyzes wider perspectives of the Israeli-Palestinian-Arab- Muslim conflict, and the Muslim worldview, based on Koranic verses, of the status and rights and duties of the non-Muslim. n what is a very ambitious and aspiring work, dramatically titled The Middle East and World War III – Why No Peace?, Dr. Michael Calvo, Sorbonne educated and […]
The Arab-Israeli Conflict: Why No Peace? Richard Kemp-Gatestone Institute
The jihadist aim is to isolate Israel politically; to influence political leaders, public opinion, international institutions and international organizations so that on the day their planned offensive begins, no one will be there to support Israel and the Jews. The Palestinian Authority, the PLO and the Arab/Muslim states will be unhampered to do what Hitler […]
WHY IS THERE NO PEACE IN THE MIDDLE EAST? David Bedein- Israel behind the news
DR. MICHAEL Calvo’s new book is the first multimedia book to document and expose the terrorist and anti-Israeli Palestinian system and pattern of behavior. By multimedia, we mean that beyond reading, this book enables the reader to see and hear videos, which are on internet, on their smart phone, after loading a free QR Code […]
Why is there still no peace?
Le Moyen-Orient et la Troisième Guerre Mondiale – Pourquoi n’y a-t-il pas de paix ? Le CAPE de Jérusalem
THE MIDDLE EAST AND WORLD WAR III – Why No Peace ? Le Moyen-Orient et la Troisième Guerre Mondiale – Pourquoi n’y a-t-il pas de paix ? Auteur : Dr Michael A. CALVO – Préface : Colonel Richard KEMP. Dans ce qui est une étude aussi ambitieuse qu’étoffée, The Middle East and World War III – Why No Peace […]